L. Ron HubbardI am Juan Carlos Ramos Paulino, a Dominican student from Santo Domingo, on the associate degree program at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. I liked the “Marketing” course a lot.  I enjoyed learning about positioning and how to evaluate ads—how to create them too.  It’s all very creative and life enhancing, and I felt right at home. The art section was fantastic.  I liked how L. Ron Hubbard talks about life being a form of art. I also liked his views regarding the necessity of finding the senior data in any area of life.  He emphasizes that we should be professional artists and create effects that cause positive emotional responses. I was surprised to discover that presentation is a message in itself. Hubbard College of Administration is a self-paced business school that offers an exceptional business administration curriculum, unique learning technology, life-changing apprenticeships and internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime warranty for students.  Juan Carlos is currently on the “How to Create Want for Your Products through Effective Sales Techniques” course.