My name is Daphna, and I own a Life Coaching company in Los Angeles, CA.  The following is a success story I wrote from degree program student Jonathan Turton recently conducting his Surveys course apprenticeship in my company. j0283537Since opening my office last year, I hadn’t defined my public.  The first win I had on this project was finally doing so.  Jonathan referred me to the some data from his course on “wrong publics.”  It was through learning this data that I finally worked out this very vital point!  I now see how absolutely indispensable that action was. Then came the surveys.  I was surprised at the buttons that came up.  I was very far from them in my marketing efforts.  I also gained the valuable data on what images and symbols positioned with my products/services. For the first time, I am actually ready to put together the right promo for my business, and effectively introduce myself to my potential public. Thank you for your help!