blog-30-imageIt was a great honor to have an opportunity to work with Vanessa, an artist who has so many art businesses and every business she runs is well organized and doing well. So far, this would be my favorite apprenticeship as part of my career education at the Hubbard College because not only did I get to apply what I have learned from the course to assist others increase production by “managing by statistics” and applying the “condition formulas,” but also I experienced the life of an artist. I saw every little thing could be turned into a masterpiece. I really admire Vanessa for doing something that she likes (painting, dancing, decorating art units) and making money at the same time. It’s like you gain two advantages with one single move. Last, but not least, after this apprenticeship, I have a new outlook on life: you can do whatever you want, do as much as you like, so long as you manage by statistics and apply the correct formula when needed. It leads you to success and helps you become a better person. Jamie Chang