Academic Information

Academic Information Associate Degree in Administration Certificate Courses in Management

Method of Instruction

Students study the course materials at their own pace in the course room. The Course Supervisor helps the student grasp the materials, always stressing understanding and application.

Once the student completes the theory section of the course, he moves into the Apprenticeship section where he is assisted and supervised in applying what he has learned by faculty members who are working professionals with demonstrated competence and expertise in their areas of instruction.

Practical Experience

Practical experience and application are an integral part of the Hubbard College of Administration International curriculum. After completion of the theory study in the course room, the student must now learn to apply the knowledge and skills learned to produce results in a real business or organizational situation.


Experience and production records matter. Real-life experience and demonstration of competence by producing results prepare students to start new jobs, improve skills in existing jobs, or start new endeavors with firsthand knowledge of what is required.

Students learn by experiencing and producing results in the world of work through faculty-supervised apprenticeships. The College has relationships with businesses that are happy to provide apprenticeship opportunities to our students.

An Apprenticeship Contract is signed by the student, the faculty supervisor, and a representative of the organization in which the student is completing the apprenticeship. It specifies the exact requirements the student must meet, the standards of performance, and the means of documenting and providing evidence that the requirements for satisfactory completion have been met.


Internships provide the student with on-the-job experience in varied aspects of management and administration. Hours and work assignments are arranged on an individual basis with the student. An Internship Contract is signed by the student, the faculty supervisor, and representative of the organization in which the student is completing the internship that specifies the details of the internship.


All courses are delivered in English. The Hubbard College of Administration International does not provide English-as-a-second-language programs. All degree students must be able to read at a 12th grade reading level as measured by an English language reading test administered in our testing program. Students with reading test scores below 12th grade level must enter the Learning Assistance program.

Course Room Hours

Hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Campus closed on Sundays.

Student Scheduling

Evening course hours are 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

No evening course on Fridays.

Weekend course hours are 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays.

Campus closed on Sundays.

Weekday course hours are 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Full Time Students are expected to spend a minimum of 40 hours per week on course.

Half Time Students are expected to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week on course.

Part Time Students are expected to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week on course.

Students must agree to a course schedule of 40, 20 or 10 hours per week and keep to their scheduled course times each week.

Accelerated Programs

Hubbard College of Administration International courses and programs are self-paced to allow the student to progress at his or her own rate. All hours given are the times estimated for the average student to complete. Some students may need more time to complete a course or program of study and some students may complete in less time. The factors that determine whether a student may complete a course of study in a shorter time are:

  1. Hours per week spent in the course room
  2. Time the student spends working on assignments outside the course room
  3. The rate at which the student can read and understand the materials
  4. The rate at which the student can complete the given assignments

Due to these factors, it is possible for the student to complete a course or program of study in less than the estimated time.


Before some courses are taken, another course may be required first-the first course then becomes a prerequisite for the second.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend courses according to the schedule upon which they have agreed. All supervisors keep daily records of attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to inform his or her course supervisor of an unavoidable absence. The course supervisor may refuse to admit a student on course that is chronically absent or tardy.

Excused Absence: An absence will be considered excused only if the time is made up during another regular course slot that is supervised by the course supervisor. Attendance is recorded. All other absences will be considered unexcused.

Unexcused Absence: All absences that are not made up during normal course time hours under supervision of the course supervisor are unexcused absences.

No absence will be removed from a student’s record but will be recorded as excused or unexcused per the above definitions.

Students with excessive absenteeism, which is defined as three unexcused absences in a month, will be placed on attendance probation unless the student has a medical condition which will require a doctor’s note. During the attendance probation if the student continues to have unexcused absences exceeding three, he or she will be dismissed. Attendance probation will last for a period of one month. If the student demonstrates good attendance within the attendance policy the probation will be removed.

Re-Enrollment will be considered by the Executive Council only after evidence is shown that the condition which caused the interruption for unsatisfactory attendance has been rectified.

Dropout Policy

Any student wishing to terminate a course must first receive an interview with the Qualifications Secretary.

Student’s Guide to Acceptable Behavior

The Student’s Guide to Acceptable Behavior lists out the basic things a student must do to gain the most benefit from his or her studies. In order for any course to function smoothly, there have to be some rules or agreements. The rules for the courses delivered by the Hubbard College of Administration are:

  1. Be on time for course. If, for some very urgent reason, you are unable to attend course on the date or time that you have scheduled yourself for, let the supervisor know as far as possible in advance.
  2. Get sufficient food and sleep while you are doing the course.
  3. Do not consume any drugs or alcohol during the period you are on course without the express permission of your supervisor. (If you are taking medically prescribed drugs under the care of a doctor, please inform your supervisor.)
  4. You are allowed to smoke on breaks only and only outside the course room.
  5. Do not eat or store food in the course room.
  6. If you have any problem understanding any of your materials or if something seems confusing to you, tell the supervisor right away so he can help you. Don’t ask another student because he or she may have the same question. Always ask your supervisor. This is very important.

Suspension and Dismissal Policy

Conditions considered for possible dismissal are:

  • Excessive tardiness
  • Class cuts
  • Any type of dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the institution.)
  • Intentional disruption or obstruction in the course room, public meetings or other school activities
  • Physical or verbal abuse of any person on school premises
  • Drug Abuse
  • Theft or damage to school property
  • Failure to comply with directions of school officials acting in the performance of their duties.

A student who is disruptive and acts contrary to the policies of the Hubbard College of Administration will be routed to the Student Ethics Officer. The routine action of Ethics is to request a reappraisal of behavior and a signed promise of good behavior for a specified time. If the student refuses to so promise then the Ethics Officer would then undertake an investigation to determine whether or not the student should be allowed to continue.

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