HCA- Blog 16I am glad to do this apprenticeship for my associate degree because I got more experience on helping a person go up through his states of operation and really increase his observation, ability to possess and improve the situation. I also understood that knowledge is power, and ethics is the steering wheel. These two things cannot go separate. If a person did not have the knowledge to do things, he will have trouble. If the person did not use Ethics, he still would get into trouble.  Just like a car, if you did not have any power, it will not be able to move to anywhere. If you just have the power without the steering wheel, you will not know where you will end up. The Formulas for Business Success are a way to make a person to use reason (reason = ethics), and thus get out from the mud. I felt good about this data. By Jack Cheng, a Taiwanese student from Kaohsiung on the associate degree program at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. The HCA is a self-paced business school that offers an exceptional business administration curriculum, unique learning technology, life-changing apprenticeships and internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime warranty for students. I am currently on the How to Evaluate and Predict Human Behavior course.