blog-28For What Other Reason Did You Go To College? So either you just finished college and have a huge debt to pay off, or you’re going to start college real soon with not a lot of money. You expect to make money and pay off all the debts right after school, right? Well that may be, but unfortunately the hard truth is – you’re going to be left in the cold. Students go to college for 4 years, which cost way too much, and then they graduate and find out they don’t have actual experience to actually find a job that’s good. They’ve been so sunk into books all those years, they never learned how to actually apply what they were studying! They were studying just to get a good grade! And then you keep not applying it, because you can’t really get a job in that major you studied in. So it dies off inside of you, you kind of forget it and college now seems like a big “Why the hell did I do that?” But you still got your degree at least…yeah. So what makes this piece of paper so valuable? It’s some kind of mistaken belief that this paper will make you successful, this is completely ridiculous. It’s your ability to apply what you studied in school which makes you successful, even if the paper got you a job, it won’t let you keep it for long if you don’t learn how to actually DO something. I was amazed when I finished my first real business course here at the Hubbard College, to be honest I was a little afraid to be honest to be sent out to a company. I was expecting to be kind of a total newbie to the stuff. But I came to the company and you really apprentice, you get assigned an employee in the company who is familiar with what you studied. It’s nice to know that TONS of companies are applying what we are learning here. So we sat down and I could completely see all the aspects I learned and I saw it come to life a little bit. It became so real to me! When you see it in real life, it sticks way better to your mind. Kind of like “a picture speaks a thousand words”, you know? Jerome Garot