career education

Associate Degree: Policy apprenticeship

By: Jonathan Turton.  A student on the degree program at Hubbard College of Administration International. I just completed my policy apprenticeship. I really liked this apprenticeship, because it was pretty straight forward. I was able to successfully and accurately...

Associate Degree: Choices in life…

By: Alex Edwards, current AAS degree program student that finished the Ethics For Business Survival apprenticeship. In life, one has to make many choices. Sometimes these choices are successful and sometimes they are not. It is observed in many cases that when one...

Career Education: Able To Take On Any Challenge

Watching my daughter go through her career education courses at Hubbard College has been an extraordinary experience. I have been surprised to see the kinds of things she is handling and the number of different people and businesses with which she has worked. One of...

Career Education: How to Effectively Handle Work

Career Education: How to Effectively Handle Work

I am Greg Lewis, an American executive from Los Angeles, California on the Continuing Education Program as part of my career education at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. There are some terrific principles in the “How to Effectively Handle...

Career Education: How to Handle the Drop-Out Rate

Career Education: How to Handle the Drop-Out Rate

I just completed the “Basic Study Manual” course as part of my continued career education and was thrilled to discover there are actual proven methods in overcoming many learning obstacles.  I’m excited to be able to share what I’ve learned with co-workers, friends...