My name is Jamie Chang, and I just finished the ìBasic Organizationî apprenticeship as part of my Associate in Applied Science Degree at Hubbard College of Administration International.
It was a journey for me to complete all 5 tasks for ìBasic Organizationî apprenticeship. However, Iíve learned so much from it. Not only did I learn more about the functions for different positions in a company, but also by chance have become an amateur in the film industry!
I have always been thinking of taking film classes or choosing film production as my major. However, I was hesitant, because I didnít know how long my passion for the field would last. Fortunately, I had a chance to work with an individual whoís a movie producer and heís been working in this field for a long time. It was very difficult and tough at first, but after a couple of interviews with him and doing some research for myself, I have become more familiar with the film industry.
The most amazing thing is that by creating an ìOrganizing Boardî for a business, youíll find out that you have naturally learned about 80% of whatís needed in that field! Filling out the functions for this companyís project ìOrganizing Boardî felt like a wonderful adventure in film industry. And last but not least, doing an ìOrganizing Boardî doesnít have to be big and complicated. I was told many times, ìJamie, just keep it simple, simple, and simple!î This is very important! Keep it simple, and donít get too complex! The simpler you construct it, the more clearer it is to see and use.
My name is Jamie Chang, and I just finished the “Basic Organization” apprenticeship as part of my Associate in Applied Science Degree at Hubbard College of Administration International.

I have always been thinking of taking film classes or choosing film production as my major. However, I was hesitant, because I didn’t know how long my passion for the field would last. Fortunately, I had a chance to work with an individual who’s a movie producer and he’s been working in this field for a long time. It was very difficult and tough at first, but after a couple of interviews with him and doing some research for myself, I have become more familiar with the film industry.
The most amazing thing is that by creating an “Organizing Board” for a business, youíll find out that you have naturally learned about 80% of whatís needed in that field! Filling out the functions for this companyís project “Organizing Board” felt like a wonderful adventure in film industry. And last but not least, doing an “Organizing Board” doesn’t have to be big and complicated. I was told many times, “Jamie, just keep it simple, simple, and simple!” This is very important! Keep it simple, and don’t get too complex! The simpler you construct it, the more clearer it is to see and use.