June 2, 2010
Associate Degree: Basic Tools of Management
I am Wesley Kuo, a Taiwanese student from Taipei, Taiwan on the Associate Degree Program at Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. I just completed the ìMarketing and Public Relations Surveyî course, and I had a lot of fun.
I had some experience doing surveys before this course, but what I knew was limited to communicating with people by using the management tool of the Affinity-Reality-Communication (ARC) triangle. The ARC Triangle is so basic that even an introductory level study of it is enough to be able to successfully apply it. So, when starting the ìMarketing and Public Relations Surveyî course, I imagined that Iíd just cover the same data with lots of drills added.
I was wrong! I was surprised when I read ìCreating Surveys.î The reference contained a lot of data about how to put ARC into oneís survey, and how one can use the survey results to make a good program for a Public Relations campaign. I have to say I really learned a lot from this course.
I now understand why surveying is important. A good survey can salvage a company that is on a course to ruin. So, if you donít know what kind of product would be popular or if you donít know how to name your product, then do the ìMarketing and Public Relations Surveyî course. You too will then receive a working understanding of what is needed or wanted from your public.
The HCA is a self-paced business school that offers an exceptional business administration curriculum, unique learning technology, life-changing apprenticeships and internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime warranty for students. I am currently on the ìHow to Increase Profits through Proper Financial Planningî apprenticeship.
I am Wesley Kuo, a Taiwanese student from Taipei, Taiwan on the Associate Degree Program at Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. I just completed the “Marketing and Public Relations Survey” course, and I had a lot of fun.
I had some experience doing surveys before this course, but what I knew was limited to communicating with people by using the management tool of the Affinity-Reality-Communication (ARC) triangle.
The ARC Triangle is so basic that even an introductory level study of it is enough to be able to successfully apply it. So, when starting the “Marketing and Public Relations Survey” course, I imagined that I’d just cover the same data with lots of drills added.

I was wrong! I was surprised when I read “Creating Surveys.” The reference contained a lot of data about how to put ARC into oneís survey, and how one can use the survey results to make a good program for a Public Relations campaign. I have to say I really learned a lot from this course.
I now understand why surveying is important. A good survey can salvage a company that is on a course to ruin. So, if you don’t know what kind of product would be popular or if you don’t know how to name your product, then do the “Marketing and Public Relations Survey” course. You too will then receive a working understanding of what is needed or wanted from your public.
The HCA is a self-paced business school that offers an exceptional business administration curriculum, unique learning technology, life-changing apprenticeships and internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime warranty for students. I am currently on the “How to Increase Profits through Proper Financial Planning”apprenticeship.