Associate Degree: Know Before You Promote
I am Felipe Pedrosa, a Brazilian student from Manaus, on the associate degree program at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA.
I have just completed the ìMarketing and Public Relations Surveysî course. This course presents one of many management tools comprising Mr. Hubbardís Administrative Technology.  A survey is a tool an executive can use in order to establish reality with its community, district or any other area.  The results of a properly composed, executed, and tabulated survey allows management to gauge the demand of its public. A basic survey technology maxim is ìknow before promoting.î  It sounds like common sense and easy to implement; but there are specific steps that must be followed.  If they are, the results can be an impressive inflow of public and increased sales. Why? Because when you survey first, you know to whom to promote, what to promote, and how to promote. You are more precise in your actions than just promoting to everyone.  Bottom line, a company must know its specific public and what they want that the company can supply in quality and quantity.
In summary, the data in this course provides management with the tool it can use to discover what is wanted and needed by its staff members, current customers, and potentially new ones.
After completing this course, I understood why there is so much promotion and why most of it is ignored. Those companies are not establishing reality with their public before promoting.  Bottom line, a company must know its specific public and what they want that the company can supply in quality and quantity, BEFORE promoting.
I am glad I can use one more management tool in my business or any business for that matter. It is all about the simplicity of know before you promote.
Hubbard College of Administration is a self-paced business school that offers an exceptional business administration curriculum, unique learning technology, life-changing apprenticeships and internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime warranty for students.  I am currently on the ìHow to Increase Profits through Proper Financial Planningî apprenticeship.

Associate Degree: Know Before You Promote I am Felipe Pedrosa, a Brazilian student from Manaus, on the associate degree program at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. I have just completed the Marketing and Public Relations Surveys course. This course presents one of many management tools comprising Mr. Hubbard’s Administrative Technology.  A surveyj0321062 is a tool an executive can use in order to establish reality with its community, district or any other area.  The results of a properly composed, executed, and tabulated survey allows management to gauge the demand of its public. A basic survey technology maxim is know before promoting.  It sounds like common sense and easy to implement; but there are specific steps that must be followed.  If they are, the results can be an impressive inflow of public and increased sales. Why? Because when you survey first, you know to whom to promote, what to promote, and how to promote. You are more precise in your actions than just promoting to everyone.  Bottom line, a company must know its specific public and what they want that the company can supply in quality and quantity. In summary, the data in this course provides management with the tool it can use to discover what is wanted and needed by its staff members, current customers, and potentially new ones. After completing this course, I understood why there is so much promotion and why most of it is ignored. Those companies are not establishing reality with their public before promoting.  Bottom line, a company must know its specific public and what they want that the company can supply in quality and quantity, BEFORE promoting. I am glad I can use one more management tool in my business or any business for that matter. It is all about the simplicity of know before you promote. Hubbard College of Administration is a self-paced business school that offers an exceptional business administration curriculum, unique learning technology, life-changing apprenticeships and internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime warranty for students.  I am currently on the ìHow to Increase Profits through Proper Financial Planning apprenticeship.