My name is Edwin Chuo, and I just finished the ìHow to Get Things Doneî course as part of my Associate in Applied Science degree in Management and Administration at Hubbard College of Administration International.
Before this course, I was afraid to give orders to others. Therefore, I had a very hard time working with people in the office. When I failed to get the order complied with, I had to do all the work by myself. The boss usually got upset at me especially when I failed to get everything needed done. This changed during the course. I have learned how to confront people and handle them despite their counter efforts. It has established a foundation of confidence within me to carry out orders and really get these orders complied with. This has also made it easy to handle peopleís disobedience in the work place. Finally, I learned about the difference between good control and bad control, and with that I know how to really get the job done and how to handle any difficulties I may encounter in the work place.
My name is Edwin Chuo, and I just finished the “How to Get Things Done” course as part of my Associate in Applied Science degree in Management and Administration at Hubbard College of Administration International.

Finally, I learned about the difference between good control and bad control, and with that I know how to really get the job done and how to handle any difficulties I may encounter in the work place.