Career education
Hi, my name is Scott Benjamin. I’m pursing my
career education at the Hubbard College of Administration. Recently I completed the course Formulas for Business Success and had major wins. I think the biggest win I had was being able to put in some exchange and help my dad. My dad was having trouble with his business. It was getting a little slow and money was tight. I asked him, “Well, when was the last time you used your Formulas for Business Success?” He responded, “You know, things have been a little crazy here and I haven’t used them in a while.” Well, there’s a missing point right there! I read some references on these formulas to him and also gave him some other useful pieces of information I got in the course. It really helped. He used the Formulas and his production started rising! This made me realize my next win, which was with this technology they teach you at the Hubbard College of Administration you can spot illogics and potential problems so much easier than the average business man. By Scott Benjamin, an American student from Clearwater, Florida on the
associate degree program at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. The HCA is a self-paced business school that offers an exceptional business administration curriculum, unique learning technology, life-changing apprenticeships and internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime warranty for students. I am currently on the Management by Statistics course.