Career education and human behavior
The How to Evaluate and Predict Human Behavior Course has given me a whole new perception on life. It has really taught me how to predict human behavior in such an easy manner. Before doing this course, I just looked at people as regular people not knowing why they acted in a certain way. I didn’t know what to expect when I was around them. But now after doing this course, I can easily tell what a person is inclined to do. I know how to predict their behavior very easily. This is a HUGE ability to have in this world. It can help you pick whom you want to work with, whom to employ, and better yet, whom to associate yourself with. I think everyone should do this course as part of their
career education, and by doing so it will make the world a better place! By John Vannier, an American student from La Crescenta, California on the
associate degree program at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. The HCA is a self-paced business school that offers an exceptional business administration curriculum, unique learning technology, life-changing apprenticeships and internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime warranty for students. I am currently on the How to Evaluate and Predict Human Behavior apprenticeship.