My name is Ted. I am originally from Japan, but now reside in Los Angeles. I just finished my first course ñ ìThe Basic Study Manualî at Hubbard College of Administration International.
This study technology is very useful in every aspect of life. Iím now equipped with a lot of valuable and practical data, which can be applied in my life to solve problems. Not only can I better solve problems, but also can be more causative in situations by applying the data.
The benefits of enrolling at Hubbard College are; you can get a lot of opportunities to practice what youíve learned after each chapter with assistance of the supervisors and other students, the supervisors are always with you in your course room for assistance and the staff are all friendly and eager to assist you in achieving your goals. This is NOT an ordinary college in your thinking. It is very oriented toward practicality and application of what you learn here.
Let me share with you some gains I had here. Throughout studying this course, I learned tools that really helped me to learn the data better. Also, I now have knowledge about how to spot the mental and physical reactions someone displays when running into the barriers of study. Being able to spot such reactions helps me understand the causes. Thus, I now can handle such barriers, which helps in dealing with clients, co-workers, staff, etc. Another point that I really want to share with you is that there is no BIG difference between ìbrightî and ìdullî students. It is also another good datum for me to know.
If you are a teacher, I strongly recommend you to take the course here at the Hubbard College of Administration International.
My name is Ted. I am originally from Japan, but now reside in Los Angeles. I just finished my first course, “The Basic Study Manual” at Hubbard College of Administration International.

The benefits of enrolling at Hubbard College are; you can get a lot of opportunities to practice what you’ve learned after each chapter with assistance of the supervisors and other students, the supervisors are always with you in your course room for assistance and the staff are all friendly and eager to assist you in achieving your goals. This is NOT an ordinary college in your thinking. It is very oriented toward practicality and application of what you learn here.
Let me share with you some gains I had here. Throughout studying this course, I learned tools that really helped me to learn the data better. Also, I now have knowledge about how to spot the mental and physical reactions someone displays when running into the barriers of study. Being able to spot such reactions helps me understand the causes. Thus, I now can handle such barriers, which helps in dealing with clients, co-workers, staff, etc. Another point that I really want to share with you is that there is no BIG difference between ìbrightî and ìdullî students. It is also another good datum for me to know.
If you are a teacher, I strongly recommend you to take the course here at the Hubbard College of Administration International.