Hello. My name is Tiffany, and I just enrolled at HCA. My first course is called the Basic Study Manual. I can’t remember ever using a dictionary so often. I found out that there is so much more valuable information in using a dictionary properly, as opposed to...
Become a better student
Business Degree: Become A Better Student
My name is Miriam Anguiano. I am studying en route to earn my business degree at Hubbard College of Administration International. I recently finished a study course called How To Achieve Effective Learning. Well, I never liked reading. Now I know why! I never...
Consultant Certificate: Learn How Staff Can Learn From You
My name is Brandon Moser. I am from northern California and I’m studying to earn my certificate as a consultant. I just finished the Company Trainer course at Hubbard College. This course blew me away! You learn the tools to not only break through every study...
Effective Teaching Comes From Effective Learning
Hi, this is Stella Ou. I am from Taiwan and am currently studying to become certified as a Master Consultant at Hubbard College of Administration International. I’ve just completed the course, How to get along with others. What manager wouldn’t want to know how to...
Consultant Training: Study Technology
My name is Ted. I am originally from Japan, but now reside in Los Angeles. I just finished my first course ñ ìThe Basic Study Manualî at Hubbard College of Administration International. This study technology is very useful in every aspect of life. Iím now equipped...