
Sunny Yu

“I am from Taiwan. I graduated from junior high school and then attended medical and nursing school. I was trying to figure out what my career would be. I learned about medicine and nursing but I still did not really have a career path. I was looking for work but every company wanted a university graduate.

So I enrolled in a university in Taiwan and studied food nutrition. I graduated from university but still did not have a career path. Eventually I ended up working for my mother in her preschool. This was only supposed to be for a couple of months. After six months I was still there and still trying to figure out my career. I was feeling a bit lost at this point in my life.

Then someone told me about the Hubbard College. She told me that it was different than other schools. I asked, ‘How?’ She said, ‘Every student has to apply the knowledge that they have learned. This is what Hubbard College expects from its students. They want their students to know and apply the knowledge. They don’t want their students to graduate and then find a job that has nothing to do with the subjects studied.’ I was surprised on this point!! I never knew of any school with the intention to really make sure the students learn and apply 100% of the material they study. This was the missing point of my whole life! I could see for the first time that I might be able to find my career and help my parents! When I started this program I discovered this was the program that I was seeking for a long time.

I studied one course and then I had to go do the apprenticeship in a real company. I was really nervous at the beginning. I couldn’t believe that I had to go out right away and apply in a real place. But it wasn’t as hard as I thought. I went out to a company, interviewed the people, and a magic thing happened! I spotted their problems right in the interview. I drew up a short plan to handle the problem and then implemented it to professional level and produced the results I intended to produce. And I, Sunny Yu, the girl who has never gone into any business in Taiwan, the girl who only studied ‘food nutrition’ in the university, could see problems in businesses and organizations and know how to handle them, could handle them, and have actually done it! Before I came to Hubbard College, I wanted my life to be easy.

I wanted to make lots of money and travel around the world when I got old. This was what I thought was the purpose of my life. I have changed my viewpoint. In doing the apprenticeships, I went into different companies and helped employees to better conditions. I helped others to improve their lives. Some even got promoted due to my help. And I now know this is what I want. I want to help other people to win in their lives.

As a result of this program, my purpose and goals in life are clear and strong. I don’t want to be a person working in an office and just collecting a paycheck. I want to help others to achieve their goals.

After graduation I returned to Taiwan and strategically planned the establishment of a new English school in China. Immediately after the planning was done, I left for China. I spent about three months there and established a brand-new English school. I used all I had learned from my degree to plan everything, from hiring the employees, training them, marketing the new school, getting students, setting up the finance systems and establishing the teachers to quality control, and all in a new country. Wow!

This was a great experience and I could not have done it without my degree from Hubbard College. I have now returned to Taiwan and am working on our next business expansion project. I am ready to go anywhere and create great results with any business. My parents are excited about my graduation from this program and my family members all think this is the best decision I have ever made.”

Other Alumni

Craig Jensen

Alan and Sheila Atkinson Baker

David Kitchens

Breanna Wells

Kevin McAdam

Dave Tourje

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