Breanna Wells
Breanna Wells
“A few years ago, I was living in San Luis Obispo, CA, going to a traditional four-year college. It was a highly respected school known for its “learn by doing” approach. I was in the College of Business in my third year and still as confused about where my life was going as I was the day I graduated from high school. I hadn’t learned anything very useful in actual business situations and had yet to do anything using the “learn by doing” approach. I was disenchanted. I was considering going on to do the master’s degree program after I finished my bachelor’s degree because I was sure that program would teach me something more useful.

I was feeling very unsure about what kind of job I would be able to get, or if it would even be something I would enjoy doing. I had been telling my friends that I was feeling this way and found that most of my fellow students at college were feeling the same way. I just thought it was “normal” and that by some magical circumstance everything was just going to somehow fall into place.
Then I attended a Productivity Workshop at Hubbard College. This workshop opened my eyes to the fact that there actually was a workable technology that anyone, including me, could learn. My boyfriend and I toured some businesses in Los Angeles that were using Hubbard Administrative Technology to run their companies. We were very impressed because we saw that these companies were growing and expanding using this technology. That convinced me that I wanted to know it for myself.
I was one year away from completing my bachelor’s degree, and to satisfy my family I agreed to complete it. For one year, I drove three hours on Thursday nights to Los Angeles to go to Hubbard College over the weekend. I drove back each Sunday night for my other classes.
I finally graduated, but in the short time at Hubbard College I learned ten times more about actually running a business than in the entire four years of traditional college. It was amazing! I also became more sure of my career aims and goals.
After graduation, I moved on and have a fantastic career as an executive in a major Hollywood production company. Remember the boyfriend I mentioned who came with me to visit Hubbard College? We are now married and he also graduated with his degree from Hubbard College. He has a great job as the VP of Operations in a business systems firm. We are so very happy! Not only do we have great careers that we love, we are supporting ourselves financially at a high level.
This is a great feeling! This is what college should be! With the knowledge we now have as a result of this incredible program, we handle any situation that comes up. We just know what to do without even having to think about it. Because of all of the practical applications and excellent staff at Hubbard College, we are successful executives, totally sure about where we are going in life, with no question that we will achieve anything we choose to.”
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