Craig Taylor
Craig Taylor started his career as an automobile designer, heading up an office for Peugeot in Paris. A self-taught tailor, he founded Craig Taylor Shirts in 1995 and has since become one of the elite in the fashion world.
“Recently I was invited to be a guest at the White House and all throughout the dinner I kept thinking to myself, ‘How is it possible I should be here?’
Similarly, when I was in the queen of Thailand’s private dining room, I wondered, ‘Why me?’

I always knew that I had a dream, but how did I actually pull it off? When I started out, I was an eccentric artist with no connections, no business savvy, and like most artists in my industry, I didn’t have much affinity for the business side of fashion-just a burning desire to create an effect with my work. So how did I end up turning my idea from a cottage industry where I was personally selling one piece a day, to a successful fashion company where my line is selling in over 300 high-end retail stores all over the world?
I was introduced to L. Ron Hubbard’s Administrative Technology.
I have applied the policies of Mr. Hubbard’s Public Relations and Marketing technology and watched my company grow 500 percent in six years, it now being a multimillion-dollar company.”
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