
Effective Leadership Apprenticeship

Success Story This apprenticeship is amazing! I have never known that I can really influence my fellow professional workers that much! I saw her confusion as an executive and I saw she has many problems regarding her employees on getting things done. And through some...

Associate Degree, Sales Apprenticeship

I am glad that I completed this apprenticeship.  In this apprenticeship, I practed how to sell products which I don't have any experiences before. By applying what I learned from the sales course, I put the theory into the real situation.  It was amazing that this...

Degree Program: Define Your Publics

Degree Program: Define Your Publics

My name is Daphna, and I own a Life Coaching company in Los Angeles, CA.  The following is a success story I wrote from degree program student Jonathan Turton recently conducting his Surveys course apprenticeship in my company. Since opening my office last year, I...

Associate Degree: Selling Can Be Fun

Associate Degree: Selling Can Be Fun

By Gloria Liu, a Taiwanese student from Taipei on the associate degree program at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. During the "How to Create Want for Your Products through Effective Sales Techniques" apprenticeship, I learned more about...

Hubbard College:

21 Jan 10 Blog Title: Marketing my way into the world using my career education. I am Hiro Suganuma, a Japanese student from Yokohama on the Associate Degree Program at the Hubbard College of Administration (HCA), Los Angeles, CA. I did my ìMarketingî Apprenticeship...

Associate Degree: Business Expansion

Associate Degree: Business Expansion

I am Gloria Tieni Liu from Taiwan. I just finished the course “Ethics for Business Survival”, for my associate degree. This course outlines operating states (conditions) that a person or organization could be in that are below Non-Existence and the formulas to apply...