
Business Degree: Executive Decisions

Business Degree: Executive Decisions

My name is Edwin Chou and I recently finished the Personal Integrity apprenticeship at Hubbard College of Administration International. What is right? What is wrong? This has been an argument for thousands of years and in every economic climate. From this course and...

Degree Program: Define Your Publics

Degree Program: Define Your Publics

My name is Daphna, and I own a Life Coaching company in Los Angeles, CA.  The following is a success story I wrote from degree program student Jonathan Turton recently conducting his Surveys course apprenticeship in my company. Since opening my office last year, I...

Associate Degree: Hiring the Right People

Associate Degree: Hiring the Right People

Hi, my name is Monica Gonzalez, and I am from Mexico.  I just finished The How To Evaluate and Predict Human Behavior course and apprenticeship. One thing you learn about on the course is the chart of human evaluation.  This is a chart that assists you in plotting...

Associate Degree: Work Environment

Associate Degree: Work Environment

I am Elena Alvarez, a student from Mexico.  I just finished the ìHow To Get Along With Othersî apprenticeship on the Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Management and Administration at Hubbard College of Administration International. This apprenticeship...

Business Degree: Increase Efficiency

Business Degree: Increase Efficiency

My name is Jaime Chang.  I just finished the ìHow To Increase Efficiency In Your Companyî apprenticeship on the Associate of Applied Science degree at Hubbard College of Administration International. I had such a huge win and a lot of fun while doing this...