
Career Education: Another Step Closer to My Dream

Career Education: Another Step Closer to My Dream

I’m really happy that I had an opportunity to help Bassam’s on his career education’s apprenticeship, and a rare chance to work with Annie, who is a fashion designer. Bassam is a good leader who always gives positive orders and willing to give compliments when his...

My Associate Degree Full of Success

My Associate Degree Full of Success

Every course, every apprenticeship of the associate degree brings you a WIN. Every day in the college I come upon something new and these discoveries make my life better. Now I'm looking at my environment differently, I am able to see more in it, notice more things....

Associate Degree Success Story

Completing the associate degree has been a very long journey for me. At times I felt I would never finish. But the knowledge I have gotten has been well worth the trek. Before I started the associate degree, I felt that I was a “smart” enough guy to be able to start...

Career Education: Executive basics/Effective Leadership

Career Education: Executive basics/Effective Leadership

Jamie Chang’s career education success story, at the Hubbard College of Administration. This is the first time that I’m the leader who gives orders to other people and gets them to get the work done. In fact, I like to give orders instead of waiting to receive orders....

Associate Degree Helps to Organize Your Business

Associate Degree Helps to Organize Your Business

One of the greatest apprenticeships in my Associate Degree was “Basic Organization.” I was working with one of the best “green salons” in LA. It was great as I was able to thoroughly understand the workings of the company and created the Organizating Board for the...

Life after Graduation with a Real Career Education

Life after Graduation with a Real Career Education

From going to Hubbard College of Administration, I have gained self-assurance from a technology in business that will be with me from now on. My career education has been very helpful to my life and I’m sure it will continue to do so. I’ve gained many tools that I can...

Prevent Financial Crisis with the Right Career Education

Prevent Financial Crisis with the Right Career Education

This is Elena, an Associate Degree student of Hubbard College of Administration. Today, I was reading the news about what is going on in my country, Russia, and I found this article: “‘According to the latest official figures almost two million Russians lost their...

Career Education can be BIG FUN

Career Education can be BIG FUN

A lot of people can start yawning when they hear words “STUDY” and “College Degree.” They associate study with something boring, uninteresting, with time spent in classrooms “listening” to a teacher , looking out the window and thinking it is so nice outside and “What...

Enjoying Your Career Education

Enjoying Your Career Education

My name is Elena and I'm a current student of the Associate Degree Program at Hubbard College of Administration.  I came from Russia to LA a year ago for my career education. Honestly, I never expected that it would be such a great experience for me! Since my first...

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